Saturday, November 1, 2008

It's My Party...and I'll Invite Who I Want To.

I throw parties. I throw a lot of parties. I have glassware for every conceivable beverage and I have many cute little cocktail napkins that are always at the ready. I have platters and trays and those tiny forks that are perfect for serving olives or seafood. I have an ice bucket and I keep two bottles of champagne chilling - just in case. It's what I do, at least one of the things I do.

I'm throwing an election returns watch party this Tuesday night. We fully expect it to be a victory party. Invited are those who've watched every debate, many have worked as volunteers. We've worn T-shirts, placed yard signs, donated money to the campaign. We've talked with each other about the election, we've worried about the election, wondered about the election and we've voted.

Today I received an email from someone who's unhappy that he's not invited. Initially, I thought he was on our team. He talked like he was on the team. He said he was going to be on the team. He didn't vote. He's not going to vote. He didn't register in this state and didn't vote absentee in the state from which he just moved. He says he is undecided. He says neither side appeals to him. I told him that because the party is all Obama supporters, I was sorry, but I'd see him some other time.

He said I was "judgemental."

I said:

" We're having a victory party. This is extremely important to me, as you know. I'm not understanding how people aren't able to either decide or manage to vote. Yes. I'm judgemental about this. I (and my guests) will be more comfortable being surrounded by people who are celebrating, or
who are supporting our candidate and are waiting for the results. This is an Obama for President Party.

That's the purpose of the party.

I am bull-headed, decided and determined around this. I am also impatient
with those who have not voted. I'm sorry for my curtness, it's not polite and I am and I was rude."

He said he "would have expected an attitude like that from a right wing Cristian, right to life and or a McCain supporter."

Allrighty then.

It's my party. Damn it, I'm expecting to be celebrating the fact that a lot of very informed, very like-minded people got out and did just what I did, vote for Barack Obama.

I'm pissed and hurt that politics bring us to this but really, shouldn't they? If we're not willing to stand for this - for the future of our nation and our conviction in our reasons and responsibilities to vote - then what should we be standing for? I will get over being pissed and hurt. I will serve up a great breakfast Tuesday night for a fantastic group of friends. This isn't the first friendship that's been bruised this election season. Eyes on the prize, Michelle, eyes on the prize.


  1. You've done the right thing, Michelle.

    The research clearly shows that those who don't care, don't register, and don't vote are humanoid life forms who have been off-loaded onto Earth from the Rovian mother ship. They are here to sow disorder, disease, and hedge funds.

    Stick to your guns. Bar him from the Victory Party, lest he taint its (potential) joy and suck your bank account dry somehow.

    We've had occasion for so few celebrations this decade. We all deserve a blowout with fellow travelers.

    All the best, but still not daring to tempt the Fates and affect the outcome by imbibing before it's official,


  2. Xigent, I'm so happy to see you leaving your comment here! You are a bright spot in my days. Thank you! You'd have a place at the table anytime. M

  3. Damn. Can you believe a certain woman I live with went to bed before the race was called? I celebrated with my son.


