Sunday, October 21, 2012

Spice of Life

Hal Higdon's Novice 1 Marathon Training Schedule: Week 6, Day 7

Days to Chevron Houston Marathon: 83
Planned activity: Cross Train
Hatha Yoga Class


Anyone who knows me (really knows me) knows that I get bored easily.  I change jobs, I move.  I paint a room.  I move my furniture.  I always have 4 books going at the same time - reading and sometimes writing.

This running thing is messing with my head.  I'm trying to switch up my routes.  I'm listening to podcasts because music seems to disappear into the background of my brain and my thoughts take over.  Music doesn't keep me busy enough to fight boredom on a long run.  Listening to the conversation - the back and forth - of a radio program works better. 

I'm trying to fit yoga into my fitness routine because it helps me turn off and tune out.  I was a little surprised to see a couple of young girls in today's class.  I mean really young girls (somewhere between 9 and 11 years old?).   It was cool.  They took the class seriously, did their own thing, and hopefully they're not going to be nearly as uptight as some adults (ME!) when they grow up.  It's great to see kids involved in healthy pursuits so early.

A girlfriend and I went to an art event last night.  We put on cocktail dresses, high heels, and sparkly jewelry and drove into Houston.  It was a nice event but within an hour we knew we were all dressed up and wanted to have a little more, um, fun.

We retrieved my car from the valet and made our way to a place with expensive drinks and live music.  We didn't make it home until early this morning.  Once we started dancing, we didn't sit much.  The place is known for an overabundance of older men who love to dance.  And dance we did.  We twisted and we cha cha'd.  It was an evening full of east coast swing and rumba and many laughs.

We paid for our own drinks, all of them.  Our drinks numbered a whopping 1 each.  At one point she looked at her watch and said, "Wow!  It's almost 1am!"  It was time for us to go home.

I think I'll spend a quiet day at home the rest of this Sunday.  I've had a pretty full weekend.  Unless I get bored.  Then all bets are off.

©Michelle Scofield, October 21, 2012 All Rights Reserved

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