Workouts: 5 CrossFit classes.
Percent vegan diet: 100%
Weight: Minus 14 lbs since May 7.
Mood: Good.
For now, it's all about the numbers. This picture speaks loudly to me. That's my A1C and estimated average glucose sliding down into the normal range. I'm no longer diagnosed as "pre-diabetic". Can I get an Amen and a Hallelujah? Believe me, I shouted them when I read the results.
More numbers: Two. That's how many pairs of shorts I had to buy because my old ones were falling off. Eight. The stairs I nimbly stepped down with no difficulty whatsoever after sitting through a full-length movie. And finally...One. One little baby girl that will be coming into the world with a healthier and happier grandma. I'm thrilled to be working toward being the strongest and most active grandmother I can possibly be. Can't wait to meet her and to start building our own adventures.
I don't want to overdue the updates so this is the last weekly one. I'll let y'all know in a month or two how I'm doing. In the meantime, thanks for all your support and I encourage you to take whatever steps you need in order to be the healthiest YOU possible.
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