Yesterday's rains kept coming. With each encroaching band of clouds, it seemed as if the pace of the day slowed a little bit more. When I arrived at work, the sky was heavy and dark, but there was only a sprinkle. By the time I left the surgical wing, the rains had started. I made my way to my office tower and we began to watch, and wait.
Computers slowed as electricity toyed with the system. I completed what paperwork I was able. I began to make more frequent trips out into the hallway to view the skyline with my coworkers. Conversations were sometimes animated. More often, we simply stood, together, and watched. We have a great view of the Medical Center from our floor.
Throughout the afternoon, I received text messages from my good friend who was waiting to catch a flight from LA to DC, through Houston. Seemed as if he might be delayed. He would keep me posted. He was bored and sending me some pretty funny messages.
I called another friend, checking on the roads in my area. It's nice to have people to reach out to, just for a few minutes sometimes. I took time to have a cup of soup. A colleague and I decided to walk over to the clinic and take care of some details on that side. The elevators were shut down because of basement flooding, so we tackled the stairs together. Seven stories later, we'd solved no issues, but we'd had a nice talk. She's leaving my department, I will sorely miss her.
I decided to skip my afternoon conference, I didn't have any patients being presented and it seemed as if I could probably make it home without having to wade. I traded my work shoes for my running shoes and headed out the door for a very humid, but calm, run in my neighborhood.
When I returned home, my traveling friend called. You may know him as my Man Dictionary. He was stuck in Houston. We met at our favorite restaurant and caught up for awhile. He'll fly out today while I'm at work.
Yesterday was a good Thursday. Quite connected, in the setting of potential missed worked out well.
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