Monday, December 8, 2008

Tortuosity (advice to a newbie on dissecting near a major artery)

The surprise is the knuckle,
the bend.
The signs point to a straight path
but near the end waits
a stumble,
a falter.

Unseen detours pose risk to
he who treads;
perhaps more to he who holds title.
Not trespass - true -
but to what breaches do missteps lead?

Such long travels!
Oh, to rest in the crook
and gain the strength to continue
this journey.
Strike on and look forward, traveler.


  1. First off - love the title. Second, I thought this was great, but I was especially struck by the imagery in the first stanza. I think I would've liked to have seen more about the specifics of the procedure and a little less on the allegorical traveler, but it's still a strong piece as it stands now.

    Nicely done.

  2. Thanks RH. I feel this one comes up short and I think you've hit the mark with the reason why. I strayed away from the journey and moved onto the traveler. I wanted so much to portray that bend in the road as a potental safe haven, though. It needs reworking. I appreciate your comments, as always.
