I can sit at home only so long before I get (as Mom used to say) "antsy". I become restless and feel the need to do something - anything. I've worked out twice daily for weeks now. My knee is rebelling. Houston is hot now. We've moved into daily heat indexes well into the hundreds and it's not fun to be outside taking photos. We're in the dog days and August is a couple months away. What to do? What to do?
I met friends at Anvil last night. It's a great little spot in Montrose that specializes in cocktails as they're supposed to be served. Crushed ice when it should be crushed, cubed when it should be cubed. The glassware is vintage and there is no vodka in the place. It's all gin and bitters, rye and lime. One drink and I'm happy, two and I'm wishing I'd stuck with one. There are no gangsters, no children and no rednecks. I love, love, love that place. We topped off the swanky evening in the only way we could, with cheap, greasy Mexican food. Of course.
I treated myself to lunch at the Fox Grill in the Galleria today. It's a sports bar but I wasn't interested in the golf match on the big screen. Tiger's still struggling. I'm pouring through "The Heart Is a Lonely Hunter" by Carson McCullers. The server approached me and handed me a menu. Attractive young man.
"Can you tell me about your specials?"
Um, wait a minute. He was asking ME to tell him about MY specials.
"Well, I make a great etouffee, but I'm really hoping to get a turkey sandwich. Is that possible?"
We had a good laugh over it. Today was his first day and he explained to me that he was very, very nervous.
He brought me my sandwich. I stayed out of his kitchen and lunch was a success. From there I went to spend two hours at the hair salon. I love the results. (I've attached a pic for those who haven't seen me for awhile.)
I met a girlfriend for a movie, "My Life in Ruins". Fluff with a couple light laughs. The scenery of Greece was lovely and the food shown was enough to stimulate our appetite so that we enjoyed a dinner at Skewers on Richmond after the movie. There's nothing like seeing a chick flick with a really good friend, then solving all the problems of the past week over hummus and pita - or at least taking a good stab at them.
My big step this week was telling my boss that I want a department head position. I let him know that I would like to be relieved of my clinical duties and moved into an administrative spot. This would be H.U.G.E.
He didn't balk. He was receptive. It felt great to say the words. It felt really good.
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