Start time: 10:19 am
Run Duration: 68 minutes
Average Pace: 11.33 minutes/mile
Temperature: 60 degrees
Humidity: 37%
Location: Memorial Park, Houston, TX
Runners' feet are not always the prettiest feet. I try to keep mine in good shape. I get pedicures. I take care to replace my running shoes fairly often and to purchase quality running shoes. Because I work in surgery, I think about the shoes I wear to work and have also come to believe that sock choice can make or break my comfort level on a long day.
I punished my poor tootsies the last few days. I know better and I paid for it this morning.
I'm so excited about my upcoming move that I'm spending almost every waking hour at home doing something to prepare - tearing down furniture to give away or sell, washing and ironing linens to pack, going through closets and culling out items for Goodwill. I've been barefoot a lot of the time, because I've been at home and comfortable and not really thinking about my feet.
Last night I went out with friends for a fabulous, delightful, delicious night of cocktails and dinner to celebrate a birthday. These shoes simply had to be worn.

As responsible citizens, we walked from our favorite watering hole to the restaurant and back to our cars. Spiked heels and four blocks of asphalt don't make for happy feet the next day.
I'll wear shoes while I putter around the apartment today.
The run felt great, despite my barking dogs. I'm happy with my pace for the distance. It's time to step up the training a bit. January isn't that far off.
It really is all about the shoes isn't it. I try to replace my running shoes every 6 months. I do hate that break in week though.