Thursday, September 27, 2012


Hal Higdon's Novice 1 Marathon Training Schedule: Week 3, Day 4

Days to Chevron Houston Marathon: 108
Planned activity: 3 mile run
70 degrees 5:15am
3.03miles 32:31 10:44 min/mile average pace

Buggy.  That's the only way to describe this morning's run.  I don't think they were mosquitoes.  Just little pesky pests.  On my face, stuck to my skin, and yes...up my nose.  How's that breakfast now?  :)  The weather guys say the weather is changing.  I have a 5 mile run Saturday morning.  I wonder where my old, nasty shoes are.  If it's raining, I'm still running.

©Michelle Scofield, September 27, 2012 All Rights Reserved

1 comment:

  1. I know those bugs! They were "bugging" me the last few nights on Ranger's walk. Swarms of 'em! Duck and cover next time?
