Days to Chevron Houston Marathon: 111
Planned activity: CrossTraining
68 degrees 6:30 am
35 minute walk
I hoped for a pretty sunrise today but there wasn't a cloud in the sky to refract the orb and cause a sparkle or a ray. I kept my camera in my pocket until I came back around to my block. That's when I noticed the big drops of dew on the blades of grass and I considered dropping to the ground to try to catch one as it was building up weight and about to fall but I didn't have it in me today. Instead I sat next to a flower bed and found a snail. He wasn't nearly as photogenic as I wished but it was a great lesson in patience.
His garden was quiet and calm and damp and smelled surprisingly sweet.
It was a wonderful place to settle in for a few minutes, or twenty.
©Michelle Scofield, September 23, 2012 All Rights Reserved
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