Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Progress - or something along those lines.

3.02   10:57 pace   33:03 minutes   5:15 am

I sat in the endodontist's chair for another hour and a half yesterday afternoon.  At the end, she cheerily said, "Your root canal is done.  I want you to see your regular dentist within 2 weeks for the permanent filling, or a replacement crown, whichever he thinks is best."  I hope he thinks it's just a permanent filling.  I'm about at my limit of gutting this dental thing out. 

You know that old saying, "I'd rather have a root canal"? 

I'd rather have a head to toe MRI.  With the room on fire.  With ants nibbling at my elbows.  With Pearl Jam on the overhead sound system.  Loud.

Yeah, that's how I've come to feel about dental visits.

Me.  The one who flosses daily and brushes after every meal and at bedtime.

It's about control.  I know this.  When I'm in the dental chair, I can't see what's going on, I can't talk, I can't even control my own drool.  I'm myself imagined in 40 years. 

So, anyway.  I only have to have the work finished off and then I'm good for another 6 months.  Fingers crossed.

I spent a little time in counseling last week and discussed control issues.  I continue to give over that which is not mine.  It's been a good several days for that. 

Boston, Mass.

West, TX.


Have as good a day as life allows and you accept, my friends.  Much love to you.  M

©Michelle Scofield, April 23, 2013 All Rights Reserved


  1. I _will_ have a good day, thank you, because whatever life sends me is good. I, too, am working on releasing the desire to control that which I cannot. :)

  2. When I read this, I felt pulled into your brain, which means this was compelling writing. However, as a person who has felt a deep connection to God most of her life, who truly believes in the concept of "fullness of joy" as brought about by relationship to Christ, I am having a difficult time comprehending your perspective. At the same time, I find it fascinating.
