Saturday, November 9, 2013

30 mile week

15.09 miles 3:11:01 12:40 pace 8:30 am 60 degrees

I used the Nathan Hydration Belt for the first time today. On a long run. I was happy to have water with me and it worked great to carry Gu packs. (I only used one.) It was great to have my hands free. Here's the thing: My gut was distressed - which isn't unheard of for runners. I was relieved that my halfway point was the tennis center at Memorial Park. It seemed that carrying extra weight at my midsection was, um, stimulating.

We'll see.

I came home, showered, ate lunch, and slept for a couple of hours.

Now tomorrow is mine. That's a very good thing.

©Michelle Scofield, November 9, 2013 All Rights Reserved

1 comment:

  1. I have a personal story about the ah, stimulating effects of carrying weight at your midsection. Let's just say "it's really a thing." The story for in-person time. :)
