Sunday, December 8, 2013

Forced Rest...Now What?

November 29 Wichita, KS 27 degrees 3.02 miles 37:10 12:18 pace

I had heel pain and knew I needed to back off. Back off I have.

Today: Hermann Park 41 degrees 1.78 miles 31:11 Walking for recuperation

I started to have a little, hacky cough on Thanksgiving day. Maybe I caught something on the plane? It would be the fastest moving virus ever heard of.


I ended up sick as a dog. A really, really sick dog.

I wasn't feeling too bad the Friday after Thanksgiving. Still just a little "ahem" kind of cough. No fever. I was able to keep things calm with cough drops and OTC meds. I even went to a movie with my family. Saturday we went to the art museum and I started fading. Fast.

By the time I boarded my plane on Sunday night, I was medicated to the gills (which, by the way felt like they were drowning). I struggled not to cough in my fellow passengers' airspace but I was so flushed and feverish I wasn't even thinking straight at that point. I emailed work and warned them that I would likely not be in the next day.

Since then, when I'm not working, I'm sleeping.

Until yesterday morning when I woke up and realized that my stomach didn't like my prescription medications. Joy. More sleep.

Today feels like I've turned a bit of a corner. I absolutely, positively couldn't sit in this chair, or on this couch, or lay upon this bed one more hour. I bundled up and took a walk in the park.

I've missed it.

I'm entered in a 30K race next Sunday. I'll pick up my race bib. I have no idea if I'll show up for the race. It seems like a lot to bite off at this point.

Everything seems like a lot to bite off at this point but movement felt pretty wonderful. Especially that fresh air. In and out. What a relief.

My only goal for the week is to not be in my head too much regarding worrying about the marathon in January. There isn't a whole lot I can do about it at this point...other than to push myself too hard, relapse, and end up an even sicker dog.

This all makes perfect sense. In black and white. I'll just keep writing, reading, saying it. Even in my sleep, if that's what it takes.

©Michelle Scofield, December 8, 2013 All Rights Reserved


  1. Aww. Sorry you're not feeling well. I was trying to jog and found myself in extreme pain.....later I found out that I have a broken rib!!! What is it about this time of year?? Take good care of yourself!

  2. I wish I had known you were only an hour away from me. Did you get my email?

  3. Oh no! Sorry I am just seeing this. I hope you're feeling much better by now. Sometimes a bit of rest does wonders for pain, so maybe there's a silver lining?
