Monday, May 28, 2018

I'm Kind of Amazed

For those following along, I've completed 3 weeks of a vegan diet.

Workouts:  5 CrossFit classes.
Percent vegan diet: 100%
Weight: Minus 10.5 lbs since May 7.
Mood: Good.

I encountered some challenges this week.

I was invited to a birthday party and I knew there would be an open bar. I've abstained from alcohol since the first week of May for several reasons. I don't want to succumb to disinhibition-induced eating. I don't want the empty calories. I'm avoiding processed food as much as possible. But, hey, it was a celebration. Right? I had 2 drinks and avoided the adorable cupcakes on a platter nearby. My feet were aching (high heels and a little dancing) and my friend and I were hungry. We pulled out our phones and searched the neighborhood.  Mai's!!!  Mai's is a local Vietnamese restaurant that's open until 4am. I was happy to see tofu pho with vegetarian broth on the menu.  I could only eat half of that beautiful bowl of soup but it was a good choice.  I was in bed by 12:30 but had to be up early Saturday for an 8:00am crossfit class followed by a clinic to work on handstand pushup progressions. If I say that I was pretty sore, quite fatigued, very thirsty, and a little cranky, I'm not exaggerating.  So those reasons for avoiding alcohol? Number one continues to be dehydration.  It's just not worth it to me.

My next challenge came with the Memorial Day weekend.  Because I'm not traveling this weekend, I've had a lot of time on my hands. In my quasi-boredom, I've surfed social media and there are a lot of pictures of BBQs, beginning-of-summer celebrations, etc, etc.  I was invited to a couple cookouts.  I declined. I don't trust myself with all that grilled meat yet.  My commitment to a plant-based diet is for 30 days. I NEED to honor this commitment to myself. I want to see the results, look at the data, and make a decision for my lifestyle based on reality - not some "hope" that things can be better.  I'm attempting to stay busy at home. I ironed some clothes in the back of the closet that now fit me.  I planted a tomato plant and some herbs out on my patio.  This morning, I'm participating in the Memorial Day Murph workout at my CF gym.  Doing 3/4 and planning to smash last year's time.

Things ARE getting better. My sleep is improving. My workouts are more intense and I feel like I'm getting more out of them.  Best of all, my arthritis pain is drastically improved. I've had ZERO ibuprofen or Tylenol this week.  Zero. It's been decades since I could say that. I'm kind of amazed.

As always, thanks to all who have reached out and asked me how it's going and offered their support. Much appreciated.

(A snapshot of this week's farmshare. It's easier to be excited with all this beauty available.)

Monday, May 21, 2018

Week 2 Recap

For those following along, I've completed 2 weeks of a vegan diet.

Workouts:  5 CrossFit classes.
Percent vegan diet: 100%
Weight: Minus 8.4 lbs since May 7.
Mood: Remains overall upbeat.

It's getting easier, y'all.

I haven't experienced too many cravings for meat but thought about cheese more times than I think one usually would in a normal day.  Years ago I took a meditation class and worked with a technique to gently push intruding thoughts away from my mind's eye.  I've been calling on that method to deal with intruding thoughts of cheddar and mozzarella.  I imagine the back of my hand ever-so-gently pushing the thought off to the side. It's working so far.  In reality, simply acknowledging that I'm THINKING about cheese during the day tells me that I probably haven't thought about it enough. It was an easy grab from the refrigerator when I was hungry and I fooled myself into thinking it had something I needed to sustain me. Don't get me wrong. It's delicious. I simply ate more of it than was healthy for me.

The other epiphany I had this week was around my use of food as entertainment. I stayed at a friend's house this weekend - watching his place and his dog. I do this fairly often (every month or so) and previously, I haven't taken much of my own food because there are so many great restaurants close by.  I rationalized not cooking because: I didn't want to dirty up the kitchen, he uses different oil/condiments/etc, and I was allowing myself the "treat" of hamburgers, fries, chinese food, chicken caesar salad, beer.  You get the picture.

This weekend I carted all my own food to his house. I cooked all my meals. I drank oceans of water.  I still felt as if I'd been treated but the difference was I was treating myself better.

None of this is earth-shattering and I'm aware of that.  I hope that by putting some of my thoughts into words, I can start to cement the changes I'm experiencing into my behaviors. Maybe someone reading will be encouraged.  I certainly appreciate the encouragement I've received from those who are reading along. Your kind words mean the world to me. Thank you.

One more thing. I received a HUGE dose of inspiration watching the team from CrossFit Central Houston compete at the regional CrossFit competition.  Congrats to them for their strong showing.

Monday, May 14, 2018

Rambling in a Recap - Week 1

For those following along, I've completed 1 week of a vegan diet.

Workouts:  5 CrossFit classes.
Percent vegan diet: 100%
Weight: Minus 3.3 lbs
Mood: Generally good and upbeat.

Welcome to my wanderings.  I'm kind of free associating this recap. I'm not sure how else to do it.

Evenings:  Less drifting off on the sofa in the evenings. I brush my teeth immediately after dinner. One night, I had pistachios...otherwise no evening snacking.  When I find myself thinking about grabbing something to eat, I realize it's mostly a matter of boredom - not hunger.

CrossFit Classes have been good. My energy flags the last 5 minutes of each workout but I'm pushing through and it feels great not to quit. In my mind, I keep going back to that day in class when Coach Phil told me that until I committed to the intensity of the workout, I wasn't getting out of it what I potentially could.

Feeling more comfortable yet more interested and curious about the vegan diet.  Working through which proteins I like and which don't do that much for me on a satisfaction/taste level.  Yesterday, I made a field trip to Whole Foods. "Beyond Meat" burger was OK. I give it a 7/10.  Bought protein powder and a daily multivitamin. THIS is where the expense of a vegan diet comes from.  Walking the shelves at Whole Foods showed me a lot of processed vegan choices - things I'd rather steer clear of. I note that tofu is easy and pretty neutral (as far as taste goes) but considering my mom died at 45 of breast cancer, I don't want to rely too heavily on soy as a protein source.  I finally settled on a pea protein supplement to make smoothies for some meals. (Not really a change for me to have smoothies for some meals.  I take my lunch to work most days and smoothies don't make the office smell like whatever leftover cruciferous vegetable I might heat up. One must be considerate above all else.)

I developed a weird sore throat earlier in the week. It lasted about 3 days and was very focal with no other symptoms to speak of.  For a few fleeting moments, I thought it would be cosmically hilarious/tragic if I had some unexpected oral cancer just when I was attempting to get my health together.  This is a perfect example of the all-or-none thinking my brain likes to play with.

Speaking of all-or-none:  Prior to starting this adventure, I purchased a package of Oreo cookies. I didn't throw them out.  I read somewhere that they're actually vegan.  They're still in my cabinet. I haven't eaten even one since starting this plan.  I think they're the equivalent of a pack of cigarettes in the desk drawer of an ex-smoker. There's a strange power derived from knowing they're available but I have a choice.

I'm strangely disappointed at a weight loss of 3.3 lbs in 1 week.  I "should" be happy with that. I think I've watched too many Biggest Loser type shows.  I'm not going to lose 17 lbs the 1st week because I don't weigh 400 lbs. My body image is fairly warped. I love reality TV because it's so far from my own reality. Food for damned thought.

If you're reading this, thanks for your interest. And, also, BIG thanks to all who contacted me offering support and information. You're appreciated. MS

Sunday, May 6, 2018

The Eve of The Great 30 Day Vegan Diet Adventure

Tomorrow is V Day.  Not Valentine's Day, Vegan Day. I've been kicking this idea around for months and it's finally here.  Why now?

Why not?

Will I stop the melting of the polar ice cap by declining meat for a month?  No, but it's a start.

Will I suddenly be able to do an unassisted pull up?  Not sure, but I bet I'll be a lot closer if I don't have to pull as much body weight.

Will my skin clear up?  Will my sleep improve?  Will I have increased stamina? Will I be able to lift more weight?  Who knows?

I say I've been kicking it around for months but there have been a few triggers that convinced me to start now.

Trigger 1:
I had some lab work done March 13 of this year.  I'd been feeling sluggish and my weight wasn't dropping despite 4-5 times/week CrossFit workouts.  I requested a test to check my thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH).  I was secretly hoping my doctor would find a lazy thyroid and I could place the blame squarely on a gland in my neck.  (I'm a Physician Assistant. It's not like I wasn't fooling myself on this one. I was.)  My TSH is normal.  My Hemoglobin A1C, however, is not. At 5.7, I can be classified as pre-diabetic.  HgbA1C is an indicator of blood sugar levels over a period of weeks versus Blood Glucose which tells us where we are today - this minute of this hour.  Having an elevated A1C tells me I'm headed for territory I don't want any part of.

Trigger 2:
A close friend set a quit date for alcohol.  He realized he had a problem and needed to stop drinking. Now.  He did an inventory of his current situation and of his support network (including his Physician).  He came up with a plan and he stopped drinking.  I've been super-inspired by his attack on his addiction and the matter-of-fact way he is handling his issue.  Watching him has helped me see that I've been hiding my head in the sand for way too long.  Not to make light of name is Michelle and I have a problem with food. Is it addiction? Could be. I certainly use a substance to find escape, comfort, and (occasionally) self-loathing.

Trigger 3:
My knees are not my friends.  I spent years running long distance and I'm paying for those miles with osteoarthritis.  It's affecting my daily life.  Although I'm happy to scale workouts at CrossFit, I'm sure I can do more with less pain if I'm at a lower body weight.

So here's my plan.  After researching scientific literature, reading blogs until my eyes are bleary, and reaching out to those I trust for guidance and support, I'm starting a vegan diet tomorrow.  I've been to the grocery store. I'll do some food prep tonight. My "people" know who they are and they tell me they're going to support my efforts.  I intend to eat only plant-based foods for the next 30 days.  I have an annual physical appointment on June 7, so we'll see what happens to my blood work. This blog is the accountability segment of my plan. Even if no one reads this, I'm putting my efforts out for the universe through writing. Wish me luck. Wish me strength. I'm excited but I think I can use all the positive energy I can gather. Here's to the adventure.