Saturday, January 16, 2010


The Aramco Houston Half-Marathon is tomorrow. I still have a cold. Yup, I do. I'm a little better. I can move air through my nose. That's a definite improvement. I'm running tomorrow, no question about that. I haven't run all week. I didn't do the tapered runs of 4, 3, and 2 miles on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. Instead, I elected to let my body use the calories to heal. I didn't think I had a choice.

I haven't been hungry. I've had soup, scrambled eggs, lots of orange juice. I admit that I made a hot toddy Tuesday (not as good as the one made at my favorite watering hole) and I also chased my Robitussin with a shot of scotch last night in an effort to send myself off to slumber. I went to sleep at 7:30 only to be awakened at midnight by a party in the apartment directly below mine. They were loud and rowdy until 3am. It's ok, this is the first time I've even heard my neighbors. I'll certainly nap off and on today.

I feel such a sense of uncertainty, and really a little anger. I haven't been sick for the longest time, months...maybe a year. Why now? Anyway. It is what it is. I'll get up early tomorrow and do this. As they say, wild horses couldn't stop me.

I've said I wouldn't run after tomorrow, that I'd switch to yoga. I'm not believing myself now. I went to the Expo yesterday to pick up my bib and race instructions. I passed by a booth advertising a race in Sacramento. My dad lives in Sacramento. I wonder...

Lifting up gratitude for tenacity.

I'll let y'all know how it went. I appreciate your comments and your words of encouragement. They mean a lot to me. M

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