Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Search Six Eight Eleven

I need a topic today. Without a clue or inspiration, I'm looking at the "At-A-Glance" calendar on my desk. What is today? June 8, 2011. So I'm going to Google "June" and see where the eighth entry takes me. Hang on. I'll be right back.

I end up at MySpace? Really? Can you hear this long exhale I'm making. It goes like this. "Gaaahhhhhh." I'm 51 freaking years old. I don't want to be at MySpace reading about the band June which has apparently broken up. I listened to some of the music. For a little minute - a very little minute. Let's see what's going on at the blog. Hmmm...July 18, 2010 Tim wrote that he "finished producing and mixing a song for Linkin Park's new record coming out in September".

Let's head on over to Linkin Park. Look at all those interesting places on Linkin Park's tour schedule for June, 2011. What's in the 11th spot? RockWerchter2011 in Belgium. Looking at the lineup I'm feeling everyone of my 51 years old.


I've already seen one of these bands. Once you've seen Social Distortion, do you really need to see anyone else? Looking through the tour dates I see that they will be in Austin in September. Road trip, anyone? Travel keeps us young.

©Michelle Scofield, June 8, 2011 All Rights Reserved

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