Saturday, July 27, 2013

Saturday Check List

8:50am 3.02miles  34:30 minutes 11:25 pace  82 degrees and steamy.

I woke to the sound of rain against the glass wall of windows protected by my upstairs neighbor's balcony.  My loft faces south and in the month since I moved in, I've never seen a drop of rain on my windows.  I've been able to stand on my own balcony and enjoy thunderstorms. 

I wonder if the Gulf of Mexico is waking up.

After checking out the soaked park across the street, I crawled back into bed and tried to go back to sleep.  No luck.  Giving up, I read a little and then caught up on some email, blah, blah, blah.

The rain broke and I got in my 3 miles.  Friends, it's taking a lot to be out there when it's this freaking humid. 

I'm glad I kept my promise to myself.  I've been making a few of those lately.  They include: 

Getting my eyes checked.  Done.  I was worried that my difficulty in controlling my blood pressure might be causing some damage to the tiny vessels at the back of my eyes.  So far, the exam doesn't show that to be the case.  Yay!  I have a new prescription in hand and I'm going to try to find some new prescription sunglasses today.  I like the Oakley wraps an awful lot but I'm not going to spend a car payment.  We'll see...

Cook more at home and eat at restaurants less.  Done.  Houston has some great restaurant choices BUT after driving home in rush hour traffic, all I want to do is relax and enjoy a healthy meal.  My kitchen has super appliances and an excellent workspace.  I've got so many grocers to choose from.  Since moving back I've been to Trader Joes, Central Market, and Fresh Market.  On my lunch hour I can run into Krogers for staples.

Spend more time with friends.  Done.  Soul-filling done.

Schedule one massage a month.  Not done yet.

The commute gives me time to think and I guess that's where my latest list of to-do's has been developing.  Concrete goals mingle with ethereal ideas.  I'm not going out to eat as often, so should I put an extra hundred bucks in my retirement account each month or should I scrap the entire banking concept and put the money under my mattress?  I'm working longer hours and driving more.  Is a massage a physical need for a runner, a psychological need for an Oncology clinician, or am I just someone who loves a great backrub? 


©Michelle Scofield, July 27, 2013 All Rights Reserved

1 comment:

  1. Today, after vacationing in Ft. Collins, Colorado, I did my first run in Corpus Christi (a baby run of 1 mile since I spent 2 weeks overeating, etc.), TX. It was 82 degrees with 88 percent humidity, heat index of 88. Ugh. But since I'm from Houston originally, the South Texas girl in me just accepted it as "home". Waiting and Watching...for that FIRST COLD FRONT!!!
