Saturday, August 3, 2013

Weighed Down with Facts

7:10 am 75 degrees 2.89 miles 35.25 12:17 pace

Ran most of it, walked a small part of it. My legs feel heavy. It's been a rough week emotionally.

I do my best not to carry my work home.

It's not always easy.

(I woke this morning from a dream about a sick patient I can no longer help.)

I need to run more.

It's not easy. It's easier to fall into dinner and a chair after work.

(It's hot as hell and it takes planning and care to go for a run and remain any sort of hydrated.)

Fact. The less I run, the worse I feel.

Fact. The less I run, the harder it is to run.

Fact. When I run, for those thirty to how-ever-many-minutes, my brain goes on a splendorous free association journey and it's rarely at work. Look! A bluejay!

©Michelle Scofield, August 3, 2013 All Rights Reserved

1 comment:

  1. <3 You have to have an escape from your very serious work. Bluejays are a nice escape. :)
