Saturday, August 24, 2013


7:30am 79 degrees 2.04 miles 25:12 12:36 pace

That hill at Hermann Park has been calling to me since I moved back into the neighborhood. Today I stepped up. Tomorrow I'll feel it. I consider myself lucky to have such a fantastic playground across the street from me. I need to add dips on the benches, pushups, and pullups. I'm enthusiastic but not enough to add it all at once. My joints remind me how old they are, even if my brain doesn't. Intensity will make me stronger. It always does. In running or in life.

Happy Saturday.

©Michelle Scofield, August 24, 2013 All Rights Reserved


  1. Hermann park! I grew up in Houston, and many of my birthdays were there. In the late '60s and early '70s, it was not nearly as nice as it is today. When Fall hits, you will love it even more!!

  2. I know! I lived here when I first moved to Houston (about 10 years ago). I'm so happy to be back. :)
