Saturday, August 10, 2013

Trail of Metaphors - Shifting Sand

10:30am 84degrees 3.1miles 38:07 12:18 pace

I love this new place and rainy weekends. I'm sleeping so much better - and later. I guess my last place was more detrimental to my sleep pattern than I ever realized. After all, my windows faced a brick wall that overlooked a canyon that sent sound upwards, disrupting my attempts at rest. Now I'm lulled to sleep by the sound of wind up high and traffic far below. I'm in a city space full of white noise.

I woke this morning to thunder, followed soon thereafter by the foghorn blasts of the lightening warning at the golf course across the street. I would have to put off my run. I fixed a couple of eggs, and an English muffin. I waited and stepped out on my balcony to finish my coffee. A rainbow signaled to me that it was time to put on my shoes and aim for the break in the storm.

There were only a few people in the park and I stepped around puddles trying my best to keep my recently purchased shoes from being soaked. I was surprised at how difficult it was to keep my footing on the trail. I wasn't expecting the gravel to shift so much. I was prepared for the concrete to give me trouble. Slippery when wet and all. This morning's jog was like my week. I was able to navigate obvious hazards but I still ended up with muddy sneakers where I least expected it.

The last half mile was a little dicey. The dark clouds reappeared along with big booms of thunder. I can handle dirty shoes and wet clothes. Lightening strikes, not so much. The rain resumed almost as soon as I returned home.

My preferance would have been to veg on the couch this morning. I'm deadass tired after last week. Sitting leads to more sitting. My gratitude this morning is for:

That little break in the rain.

That stubborn part of me that says, "Get up! You haven't been broken yet, you're not going to break."

Those of you who give me encouragement, inspiration, and an occasional nudge.

You're my rainbows!!!

Thank you.

Love, love.

©Michelle Scofield, August 10, 2013 All Rights Reserved

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