Sunday, September 1, 2013

Holding Back and Other Rules to Go By

7:16am 75 degrees 2.32 miles 28:59 12:30 pace (ran a little, walked a little)

The ankle is feeling better. I'm aware I tweeked it a couple weeks ago. The swelling is gone. The entire ankle/heel complex is a bundle of confusion for me. I don't know what's what. I'm going slightly stir crazy so I knew I had to get out and move this morning. Missing outdoor cardio is not good for my brain chemistry.

Fresh air + sunshine + increased heart rate = increased saratonin levels.

My right knee has a point of tenderness medially. I'm not sure if it's patellar or deeper. It's nagging but it bothers me most when I'm inactive. I hope it's arthritic in nature. I hope. When hoping wears thin, I'll go to the Orthopedist.

Positives: The park was full of people out enjoying the relative coolness of the morning compared to the rest of what's forecast for the day. There were also plenty of squirrels and birds. A huge flock of pigeons landed in a tree as I passed by the statue of the General on his horse. I felt the dewdrops falling around me. I hope they were dew drops and not doo drops. One rule I've learned about jogging in the park.

Look forward, not up.

Oh, and Happy Birthday, Brett! Rule #1 and #1000 and #1,000,000! Tell those you love that you do. I love you.

©Michelle Scofield, September 1, 2013 All Rights Reserved

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