Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Wednesday Hotties

5.01 miles 1:05:20 13:02 pace 5:45 pm 93 degrees

Mother. Freaking. Hot.

There should be a dedicated elevator in my building for those of us who are post-exercise. I feel a little embarrassed when I'm riding with one of my neighbors and I'm wearing eau de sweat. Today I rode up with two very handsome, very European, very nicely dressed gentlemen. All I could do was smile and try not to drip.

On the mileage front, I'm right on track. Although I wasn't going to sign up for any sanctioned races, I'm feeling less than 100% motivated so I have a bib for a 30K run on December 15th. That fits in with my training schedule and to get out there and run that many miles in one day (unsupported) is asking a lot of me. It was 60 bucks but I'm not exactly out there spending tons of cash wining and dining lately.

Speaking of food. I'm craving fruit. Meat - not so much. I need to up my protein intake and I'm going to have to work on that. I had a few (6?) almonds when I got in from tonight's run. I'm drinking Gatorade on ice. I have no idea what I'll have for dinner.

Must plan better. (Yes, I have plenty of greek yogurt, almond milk, hummus. I'm really not hungry.) Scrambled eggs may be the winner tonight. Lots of veggies in the fridge. I know I can't exist on fruits and veg. I have a feeling the heat is what is knocking my appetite out.

What I'd give for a cool front.

©Michelle Scofield, September 25, 2013 All Rights Reserved

1 comment:

  1. Are you familiar with ultra-marathoner Scott Jurek? He wrote the book "Eat and Run". He is vegan. Interesting to think about how runners survive on different types of diets. Pam Reed, winner of Badwater, eats a random diet.
