Thursday, July 4, 2013


7:20am  3.49 miles  38:29  11:02 pace  78degrees

I received no less than 4 email notices for 4th of July races.  I saved them for a few weeks but ultimately they were deleted.  It would be too hot.  I've spent a lot of money lately and I can run for free.  I would want to rest on my day off work in the middle of the week.  Reason after reason after reason.

I've been running/walking/stair climbing.  I ran on the treadmill Tuesday night because it's been too dangerously hot outside to be in the park and my eyes and lungs have been bothered by (I'm guessing?) high ozone levels in Houston.  (Possibly by a fire in my neighborhood Tuesday morning.  Could be.)  Anyway...I picked up some liquid tears and I'm feeling a lot better.

My stress levels were higher than the temperature as I went through American Heart Association Advanced Cardiac Life Support certification this week.  It's been several years since I had to memorize heart blocks and cardiac medication doses.  I was feeling old and memory-impaired.  I was worried.  Really, really worried.  Without ACLS certification my job would be on the line.  (This certification wasn't a requirement when I was hired and I thought ACLS was far behind me.)  I passed my course yesterday, stuck my card in my briefcase, drove home, and passed out on my couch for a 2 hour nap.  I woke long enough to fix a healthy dinner, watched some trash television and then collapsed in bed and slept through the night.

On waking this morning, I wanted nothing more than to go for a run. 

It wasn't too hot and I wasn't too tired.

I didn't miss driving to some crowded venue to fight for a parking spot and standing around on the asphalt - wishing I'd visited the port-a-potty one more time. 

I'm enjoying my cup of coffee, half a bagel, and peanut butter.

Happy Independence Day and here's to the freedom to make choices.

©Michelle Scofield, July 4, 2013 All Rights Reserved

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