Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Give me a "D"!

3.01 miles 35:58 11:57 pace 5:10pm 80 degrees

No, I didn't tank a test. In fact I passed a bunch of them. I went to my doctor and she ran a slew of labwork, trying to figure out the source of this fatigue and my leg cramps. No answers. I consider that a good thing. I'm going to continue to eat a balanced diet, rest when tired, and surround myself with positive people.

"D" is for Dance!

I decided to run with music this evening. Instead of shuffling through my library, I'm working through them in alphabetical order. (Unmedicated Obsessive Compulsive Disorder can be FUN, boys and girls!) I'm up to the D's. There are a lot of songs that have "dance" in the title and that means my run soundtrack was extra-kicky and happy.

I danced in the street and in the dark with David Bowie and Lady Gaga and I felt like a Dancing Queen with ABBA.

Then Prince came on with Darling Nikki, and well...you know.

That's a whole different kind of dancing.

I love me some old-school Prince.


©Michelle Scofield, October 8, 2013 All Rights Reserved


  1. Ha ha. Diana is making this about her. Diana calls both of us M. I told her I can be "m", (little m) b/c I am less than 5 feet tall. Now I have "Dancing Machine" by Michael Jackson in my brain.

  2. I was Middle M in school. There were 3 Michelles. 1 not-so-tall, 1 very tall, and me.

  3. We'll tell "D" that we are now "Middle M" and "little m". Keep running!!!
