Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Mind Games

7.02 miles 1:29:37 12:46 pace 5:30 pm 80 degrees

Didn't get home until after 8pm last night. I worked until almost 6 and by then traffic was at maximum suckage so I tended to some errands, knowing I wouldn't get a run in.

Tomorrow is forecast to be a rainout. Today almost was. It rained my entire drive home but I took a chance and headed out with my visor ready to shield me as best as possible.

As the darkness started to settle on the Museum District, I hoped that this run might give my brain a little break. I've had a tough couple of days and I'm on overdrive. I like pingpong but not when I'm the one being bounced around. I haven't slept more than 2 hours at a stretch. Unfortunately, most of my run-thinking was spent considering if I should give up on running the marathon in January. Commuting and finding time to run when it's not dark is becoming a real challenge. I'm going to shelve that discussion with myself for awhile. I'm grouchy and out of sorts. That's not the time to make decisions. Anyway. As I rounded into my last mile...

...a few solitary zombies (runners) shuffled through the puddles which were rapidly transforming into quicksand. Spanish Moss pulled the trees low along the trails and every chirp of every bird in every branch became a bat. I felt an adrenaline surge as darkness surrounded me and I picked up my pace, pushing toward home and realized I had to cross a small footbridge. I really, really, really hate bridges.

All in all, it was a kind of scary run. I was happy to get home.

Even if the rain doesn't come as hard as forecast tomorrow, I think I'll treadmill those 4 Halloween miles. I know the zoo will have an event tomorrow night and I just don't think I can take the fright.

©Michelle Scofield, October 30, 2013 All Rights Reserved

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