Tuesday, December 15, 2009


Last night in this space.

I'm not going to sleep in my bed. I've taken it apart. The mattress and boxspring sit on the floor, the headboard and footboard balance against the wall. I laundered the sheets so I could have fresh linens to sleep on tomorrow night when I finally fall into what I anticipate will be a much deserved, deep slumber.

I'll sleep on the couch tonight.

I can't imagine that all these boxes will fit into the moving truck, but the man told me they would.

The television has been blaring in the background for hours as I clean tubs and floors and pack a few more things. I'm not paying attention to what's on the tube but I know that I won't have cable after I move. I've made the decision not to subscribe. I want to devote more time to reading and writing. Hopefully much more time to writing.

I'm happy to be leaving this place. I'm sad to be packing by myself. I had hopes that were (I'm being honest here) dashed. I dared to dream and I'm wide awake now. Not all dreams come true.

So it's time to embark on a new adventure. I'm ending this one.

Tomorrow is a beginning. I'll catch up with you when next I can log on. Take care, readers.


  1. I hope your new environment will provide for you well. Sometimes it's good to start over.

  2. Honkmofo, I almost cried I got here. It's that good. M

  3. Congrats on your new place! Can't wait to see it! Let's have drinks. It will be a Merry Christmas in your space. ;)
