Saturday, December 5, 2009

Rice Owls 5k Run

Distance: 3.1 miles
Start time: 8:00 am
Run Duration: 31.01 minutes
Average Pace: 10.00 minutes/mile
Temperature: 29 degrees
Humidity: 74%
Location: Rice University Campus, Houston, TX

I didn't know how to dress, so I layered and ended up taking off the windbreaker at mile one. The cap and gloves came off soon after. That left me with running tights, stretch pants, a knit turtleneck I ski in and an Underarmor long-sleeve top. I was fine - as far as temperature goes - for the rest of the race. My asthma bothered me in the cold air, but not too much. More of a nagging cough than anything else.

Let's go back to 6:00 this morning. I was in such a hurry to get out of here because I didn't know if the roads would be icy (they were). I forgot my watch. That will play into my run later. My car doors were frozen shut. My windshield wipers were frozen to my windshield. I have a decent ice scraper but it still took me a good 15 minutes to make sure my car was safe to drive. I made it to the Rice campus and realized I didn't have my watch. Too bad. No way was I going to drive back home. I'd just set my pace at what felt like ten minutes/mile.

The point of this post, for me is:

(More than one point.)

Set your gear out the night before.

It always takes longer to de-ice a car than you think it will.

I've been training at ten minute miles long enough now, I know what they feel like.

I was surprised to see a 5K run in my training schedule - at this point in my training for the half. I think I understand now. I'm not in this for the time, I'm in this for the run. As I typed that I felt a nudge at my metaphorical brain, but I don't want to deal with it at this time. I'll save it for later. It feels too heavy and I'm feeling happy and don't want to deal with heavy right now.

Lifting up my gratitude today for perseverence

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