Monday, December 31, 2012

2012 Running Into 2013

Where to start? 

It makes sense to go back to one year ago.  I pulled up my post from December 31, 2011.  I had to read it a few times.  Each reading brought a little more clarity.  One of the things (out of many) that I love about recovering - about moving on from pain and distress - is the gift of realizing that distress.  It makes me more appreciative of my journey and I treasure having been there as much as I treasure being here.

It's interesting that I wrote about roads and movement because that's what 2012 was about for me.  I needed to move and I did.

I packed and unpacked my suitcases more this year than any other in my life.  I learned to take with me what I needed and I shed that which weighed me down.

One day I was alone, contemplating absolutely nothing, sipping a Red Stripe beer in Jamaica.  A week later I was sipping a glass of Chianti in Little Italy in New York City, trying to decide where to have dinner with a friend who had also never been to that big, bright, beautiful city. We explored the hell out of it, including seeing a Broadway show.

Two talented and artistic people who are paid for their design and decorating skill found my photography beautiful enough to give me money for it.  Really.

My national professional journal published one of my poems.  And paid me for it.

I finally saw Madame Butterfly.

I spent time with my family in New Orleans, Portland, Houston, and Seattle.  Gratitude doesn't begin to cover how I feel when I see my son and daughter with their spouses.

My brothers' wives feel more like sisters to me than anything else.  I know I can pick up the phone and the miles disappear.

I danced a little.

I ran. A lot.

I cried over injury and loss but I picked myself up and I'm running again.

Thanks to those who ran/traveled/danced with me this year.  You helped me more than you can possibly know.  Some of you laced up your shoes and hit the street with me.  Some of you talked to me on the phone.  Some of you had coffee with me, or lunch, or a beer.  Some of you sent me a text or a comment on my blog.  You know what you did.  I love you.  Happy New Year.

©Michelle Scofield, Dec. 31, 2012 All Rights Reserved


Saturday, December 29, 2012

Starting The Taper - Toot! Toot!

Days to Chevron Houston Marathon: 14

Planned Run: 12 miles
12.02 miles 2 hours 26 minutes 12:09 pace
8:15 am 36 degrees at start, 43 at finish

Still cold, cold, COLD in the mornings.  It took a lot of self-convincing to run today.  My sleep was disrupted because I didn't have enough covers and I didn't run the heater.  I woke for good before 6 and grumbled to myself for about 15 minutes before getting up and fixing a bowl of oatmeal.  Half of my coffee is still waiting for me.  (I didn't want to take a chance on needing a pit stop during my run.)

Tomorrow is the last possible day to defer my Houston Marathon entry to next year.  Thinking about my right heel consumed my run today.  I went through a trainload of reasons why I shouldn't defer. 

It's still sore but not so much that I limp on the days after runs. 

After today, I'll run shorter and shorter distances leading up to January 13. 

I have the day off work on January 14.

I'm fascinated (obsessed?) by numbers and I'll be running a 26 miler when I'm 52.  (That makes PERFECT sense to me.)  Running 26 at 53 just seems different.

Add in the fatigue, the insomnia, and the desire to run again for the pure pleasure of running.  Yes, dear friends, here's some marathon training honesty.  It can be a freaking grind. 

As a lover of books, one of the very first I can remember reading by myself is, The Little Engine That Could

I think I can do this.

I think I can.

©Michelle Scofield, Dec. 29, 2012 All Rights Reserved

Thursday, December 27, 2012

How Bad Do I Want This?

Days to Chevron Houston Marathon: 16

Planned Run: 4 miles
4.01 miles 42:58 10:43 pace
4:15pm 52 degrees

After work.

In the rain.

In a hat.

©Michelle Scofield, Dec. 27, 2012 All Rights Reserved

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

A Sport for All Seasons

Days to Chevron Houston Marathon: 17

Planned Run: 5 miles
5.02 miles 57:52 11:32 pace
5:05am 36 degrees

My intent was to run this evening when the temperature is predicted to reach a balmy 45 degrees.  My intent was to sleep until 6am and then bounce out of bed, refreshed and ready for a day of work.  That didn't happen.  I rolled over and realized I was awake before 5 and it was cold outside.  Kansas in December cold.

Lucky for me I still have a lot of my Kansas-going-to-Colorado-to-ski clothes.  I'm not sure how silly I looked in my earmuff/headband.  It kept me warm.  And I'm really glad I still have my silk longjohns.  (Don't worry, I also threw on some sweatpants and my Wichita State sweatshirt.)

The run was comfortable enough.  I'm home.  It's done.  Time for work.

Have a good one.

©Michelle Scofield, Dec. 26, 2012 All Rights Reserved

Monday, December 24, 2012

With a Little Help

Days to Chevron Houston Marathon: 19

Planned Run: 8 miles
8.11 miles 1:36:59    11:58 pace
7:30 AM 63 degrees

Knowing that I have these two long weekends prior to the marathon is a sweet bit of knowledge.  I'm relishing it.  I slept great last night after a happy and full day.  I woke on my own (no alarm) after 7, to the smell of a yummy Crockpot pork tenderloin.

My only plan today is to relax with a couple Redbox movies and maybe snooze a little with the windows open.  The weather is beautiful here.  Storm clouds are supposed to roll in later and bring us thunderstorms for Christmas day.  I'm going across the street to Benihana with some friends for lunch.  I'm looking forward to it.  I have a couple of big driving/working days later this week and a lowkey but fun holiday dinner sounds perfect to me.

I'll run one more longish run next weekend then it's all short runs until the big day.  It's almost here.  I was telling a friend yesterday, I'll need to find another project.  Not sure what it will be.  I was very seriously looking at trying to get on the television show "Survivor" but I guess my need for blood pressure medication (even with weight loss and exercise, I still need it) knocks me out of any hope of that one.  I don't see another marathon in my future anytime soon. 

Speaking of my friends:  I think one of the reasons I slept so soundly last night (and the night before) is because of my friends.  I've reconnected with friends at parties and at lunch.  I've talked with them on the phone.  I've received cards and letters.  I get emails and texts with little "go get 'ems" regarding my running.  I am so appreciative of the support I've received.  I believe I've told them/you.  I love you.  Thank you.  M    

©Michelle Scofield, Dec. 24, 2012 All Rights Reserved

Saturday, December 22, 2012

...Air That I Breathe

Days to Chevron Houston Marathon: 21

Training Schedule 20 miles, My plan for today 4 or 5 miles
4.47 miles  52:28    11:44 pace
8:20 AM 38 degrees

I had no pain in my right heel yesterday.  Zip.  Zero.  Nil.

My head was another story.  I'd been battling a headache (what was it, a migraine?) for days.  It seems like everyone I've come across has had some kind of sniffly/sinus/headachy something.  I didn't really feel sick.  No fevers and no more sneezing or congestion than usual for me living in what sometimes feels like the pollen and mold capital of North America.

I've had a raging case of insomnia - probably the worst I've ever experienced in my life.  I fall asleep in my chair around 8:00 each night (wow, ghost of my dad much?) and fall into bed exhausted by 8:30.  Then I wake up around 1:00 or 2:00 and can't get back to sleep until 3:30 or 4:00.  My alarm slams me into the start of each day at 6:00 and I drag myself to the shower to lather, rinse, and repeat.  This has been going on for about 2 weeks.  About as long as I've backed way off my running. 

Cause and Effect.  Yeah.  That didn't take a licensed medical professional to figure out.  But I did.

I had to start moving again.

I bought a weighted hula hoop.  Not childs' play, that one.  I broke a fingernail with it.  Yes, I did.  Go ahead and laugh.  I did.  I'm also gauging the amount of core workout I'm getting by the amount of soreness I'm feeling.  I'm guessing it's a lot.  I listen to 60's surfer music while I use it.  Only seems right.

So, back to today's run.  My headache was gone.  Yay!  My heel didn't hurt.  Yay!  It was cold and the sun was shining so bright I needed my shades.  With the first few steps, I felt stiffness at my heel but not pain.  I took it slow and easy.  I ran around the little FakeLake out here in Stepford. 

I didn't take music with me.  All I needed was:

The cool air moving in and out of my lungs.  It swept last week's stress from my body.  Yes - I think that way and it works for me.

Happy thoughts.  (Wow, this woman really IS reaching!)  Wait, I mean it.  I felt so bombarded with negativity last week that I let the positive sit unappreciated.  I have many, many things for which to be grateful at this time.  This morning I let them cycle freely through my mind, lingering in a hazy daydream, and I allowed myself to spend that time being appreciative for my family, for my friends, for the lessons I learned this week, for my health, for silly bursts of laughter, for an upcoming vacation, for risks.

Big birds sitting on stumps in the water.  They didn't move.  They just sat there.  I wondered if they were thinking, or sleeping, or what (?).  Anyway, they were beautiful and for a moment I wished I had my camera but I'm kind of glad I didn't.  I think if I had stopped they might have flown away and that's not what was supposed to happen today.  For any of us.

©Michelle Scofield, Dec. 22, 2012 All Rights Reserved

Sunday, December 16, 2012

It Pours

Days to Chevron Houston Marathon: 27

Planned run:  Training Schedule 14 miles (in my head?  Maybe 5?)
Actual run:  0

Last week was rough.

Thursday, I finally did some dedicated reading on Overtraining Syndrome. I checked off headaches, stomach upset, irritability,  and insomnia. When I read about the "compulsion to train",  I laughed until I cried. Literally. Not a good day.

Last night I went to sleep telling myself a bedtime story that went something like this. I'd get up in the morning, put on my running gear and run.  Just 5 miles.  If I felt great, 7.  If I felt really great, I'd go the 14.

Here's reality:  I woke every hour or two and flexed my right ankle, feeling the pull on my Achilles tendon.  (I've been participating in this insomniac stretch for weeks.)  When I finally turned to look at my alarm clock at 7:30 and stepped onto the floor I felt my heels protest.  Ouch.   

I can't run today.  My feet can't take the pounding of the pavement.

Now it's raining.  In the last couple of days, I've watched a bazillion episodes of LA Ink and I've about decided which tattoo I'll get.  (The last sentence is to see if my kids are paying attention.  Ha!)  I've also watched 3 episodes of Christmas at South Park.  I'm trying not to be bored and I'm trying not to feel sorry for myself.

I've also been trying not to think of those little kids and teachers who were gunned down in Connecticut.  But how can I not?  As I type this I think the best thing is for me TO think of them, to get out of my self-involved little world for as long as it takes today. There is no reason, no cause, no errand, no duty more pressing than for me to simply sit quietly with no music, no books, no light, no sound other than the raindrops hitting my window and to think of those humans who lived, who laughed, who breathed, who ran, who played, who smiled.  Today I'll be quiet and I'll honor them.  And I'll cry.  

©Michelle Scofield, Dec. 16, 2012 All Rights Reserved

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Enough Already

Hal Higdon's Novice 1 Marathon Training Schedule: Week 14, Day 2

Days to Chevron Houston Marathon: 32
Planned run 5 miles
4.3 miles 4:20 pm    52 degrees
Time 46:37 10:50 pace

Yesterday was interesting.  If interesting means:

Walking like I was hobbled...
grunting when I stood...
eating Advil like TicTacs...
spilling water down the front of my shirt because I was too tired to care...

Sure.  Yesterday was interesting.

I did all that.

Today was much less interesting.  I woke up and tentatively placed my feet on the carpet.  I tested my gait.  Hey!  I could walk without wincing.  I looked forward to a 5 mile run after work.

The sun was shining.  The birds were singing.  And my right heel started barking almost immediately.  I decided to run a little faster, to see if I could change up my pace just a teensy bit - putting less of a pound on my heel.  In theory, it should have worked.

I gave up and came home.

I think I'll take a couple days' break.  I talked to my son about it.  He's my running Guru.  He agrees with his Mama.  I love that.

I'll keep you posted.

©Michelle Scofield, Dec. 11, 2012 All Rights Reserved

Sunday, December 9, 2012

With a Little Help From My Friends

Hal Higdon's Novice 1 Marathon Training Schedule: Week 13, Day 7

Planned Activity: 30K (18 Miles)
Days to Chevron Houston Marathon: 34

30K 6:30 am  65 degrees at start  

*Time  3:47:43  12:39 pace

I went to two parties last night - the night before a big run.  Yes, I did that.

I had less than half a serving of vodka, mixed with cranberry juice and tonic and the rest of the evening I drank water and more juice.  I needed to be around people I know and love.  I needed to be around twinkly Christmas lights and bite-sized yummy food.  And laughter, lots of laughter.

I needed to hear from my friends that the decisions I've made lately are sound and that my friends would have and actually HAVE done the same.  I needed hugs and I got them. 

I was home by 9:30.  I was up by 5. 

I pulled on my new, hot pink compression socks - a gift from my daughter - and the rest of my running gear and I ate an English muffin with peanut butter before going downstairs to the Start Line. 

My right heal hurt like a bitch throughout part of the race.  My left knee hurt throughout the rest of it.  I got hungry around mile 10.  I ate the calorie blocs I carried with me.  I was still hungry.

A friend was taking pictures on the sidelines.  He lifted my spirits.  I was still hurting.

I learned a lot during this race. 

I need to carry more calories.  I need my friends.  When my thoughts started to disappear - and I mean THEY DISAPPEARED (I didn't know what direction I was running) - I pulled myself back to reality with replaying some of the conversations from last night's parties.  I think I was out of my damned mind for a few minutes this morning.  Heat + low blood sugar = BAD,

I need to use some skin lube for my upper arms if I'm going to wear a singlet.  Did I mention how hot it was today?  My arms are not-ready-for-sleeveless-anytime-soon.

I can get through the pain and the toil of the marathon but I can't get through it alone.

Nope, can't do it.

I need my friends.  And food.  And lube.

*Edited:  Official times are posted.

©Michelle Scofield, Dec. 9, 2012 All Rights Reserved

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Hell Run

Hal Higdon's Novice 1 Marathon Training Schedule: Week 13, Day 3

Planned Activity: 9 miles
9.02 miles 1:53:21 4:40 am 12:34 pace 57degrees
Days to Chevron Houston Marathon: 38

That's the only way I can describe it.  It hurt.  I tried to bail out on myself at 3 different points.  I didn't.  I finished. 

Carry on.

©Michelle Scofield, Dec. 5, 2012 All Rights Reserved

Monday, December 3, 2012

Seizing Moments and Changing Course

Hal Higdon's Novice 1 Marathon Training Schedule: Week 13, Day 1

Planned Activity:  Rest
5.02 miles   56:42  4:15pm  11:18 pace  75degrees
Days to Chevron Houston Marathon: 40

The weatherman is predicting rain for tomorrow.  My week is also packed with things that mean less to me than I'd like.  I didn't put them on my schedule but I can't take them off without looking like someone who doesn't care about her (a) friends, or (b) job.   Mostly b.

Oh, and c.

c.  I ventured back into the dating pool.  (I can hear the gasps now!)  So there's that.  Explaining to a potential suitor that I'm really, truly beat at 8pm is a hilarious conversation.  Fatigue skews my enthusiasm for dating and I have to work hard to remember all those conversations with my friends, my family (and myself) about how much I'd like to be in a relationship.  (At least I'm always hungry.  No fake, girly, "I'll just have a salad" from my side of the table.)  

Coincidentally my mileage is increasing as my work and social schedule are becoming more challenging.  And I really, really, REALLY need a haircut.

What's a runner to do?  Adjust and become more efficient.

The sunshine was calling to me and I had to decide...4 or 5 miles?  I went for 5 tonight.  I think it was a good idea because the 18 looming this weekend feels daunting.  I'll run my 9 Wednesday and then 4 Thursday, hopefully resting Friday and Saturday. 

I keep telling myself:  No matter the distance, it's just a mile at a time.  Then another, then another.  Just tick them off.  I can do this.

©Michelle Scofield, Dec. 3, 2012 All Rights Reserved

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Hips Don't Lie

Hal Higdon's Novice 1 Marathon Training Schedule: Week 12, Day 7

Planned: Cross training
Hatha yoga class
Days to Chevron Houston Marathon: 41

Pigeon pose.  For those who take/teach yoga, you know what I mean.  Every mile I put in last week - out there, on the mat. 

Gratitude?  Something like that.

©Michelle Scofield, Dec. 2, 2012 All Rights Reserved

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Pssst! Have We Got a Deal For You!

Hal Higdon's Novice 1 Marathon Training Schedule: Week 12, Day 6

Planned Run: 12 miles
12.02 mile 2 hours 20 minutes 11:39 pace
6:50 am 65 degrees  800% humidity  (ok, I make up the humidity part)
Days to Chevron Houston Marathon: 42

(in my email InBox)

"Congratulations from Runkeeper!  You've set new personal records!"
Furthest distance in one week:  29.1 miles
"You can find out how many calories you burned by becoming an Elite Member."

Translation:  Spend more money on running.

Ha!  I know I've burned hella calories.  The new scrubs I bought are already hobo baggy.  I'm always starving.  Ok, not starving.  I exaggerate.  I'm always hungry.  The scale isn't moving, I'm just hungry and my clothes are loose.  I'm burning a lot of calories. 

Dear Runkeeper,

I love you for helping me feed my brain.  I now use a Forerunner 110 GPS watch to help me know my pace and my distance.  I still manually enter my miles into Runkeeper and I also plug the minutes into myfitnesspal (either with the laptop or smartphone.  Why?  Hello.  I'm Michelle and I'm an addict.  I'll going to obsess over something.  I know myself pretty well. It's either this (tracking my progress) or I'll spend my days and nights riding the Serotonin to Dopamine Express, armed with Hershey bars purchased with a ticket heavily discounted on the shame market.

I choose numbers. 

So I'm going to pass on your offer to take my money and do the math for me.  I've got this.

No Thanks,


©Michelle Scofield, Dec. 1, 2012 All Rights Reserved