Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Wednesday - Midweek

This thick fog is lifting. I've been surrounded for too long, sitting in gray nothing. I moved into the cloudy refuge to escape from work, from worry, from a situation that is beyond my control. It's time to step into the sun again. I see Friday and I'm looking forward to it. I want it. I want to see my children. I feel as if each step I took today swirled the thick clouds a little bit away from me. Each motion gave me an improving glimpse of the clarity that waits for me. I spent today for me. I got a massage, bought sunscreen and a new swimsuit for my trip to the Caribbean in a few weeks. I also spent a little time thinking about the festivities this weekend.

We will gather Friday to show our support to two people who have worked literally years to achieve advanced academic degrees and have done it with a humility that is unusual in the fields they have chosen. We (their family and loved ones) will hug them, smile with them, shed a tear or two. We will honor them.

I have not much to say at this time regarding their accomplishments. I've been saying it to them all along. I am very much in awe of them. I will say that one of my greatest dreams was to see my children rise to a level of education above that obtained by me. I'm so glad that they did. Pride shines, like the sun.

1 comment:

  1. HS, Thank you for the update. I'm not sure about the imagery in the first paragraph - I spent some time wondering whether the fog was literal, and when I decided it wasn't, the metaphor seemed - not enough. I'd like to know more about the Nature of the Fog.

    But thank you. Always good to hear from you.
