Saturday, March 2, 2013

Food for Thought

This morning, I spent an hour at the nail salon. It felt wonderful. I try to get in every couple of weeks because I'm so hard on my feet. On clinic days, I'm on them about 10 straight hours. Add running to the mix and it's a set-up for trouble. We wear a lot of sandals in this area and I don't want my tootsies to look gnarly. I don't go for acrylics on my fingernails. Just short and clean but with washing about a hundred-thousand times a day, it's nice to have someone help me keep them in good shape, too.

There were 3 other customers in the shop this morning and were treated to a fashion show, of sorts. (I go to a small, family-owned salon.) One of the nail techs had been to a department store clearance sale and brought in her finds. She paraded in front of us, modeling one after the other of 40% off sale priced items - some of which she bought for a real steal. We smiled and laughed with her sisters and cousins. We cheered her smart shopping.

It was all fun and games until one of her cousins became irritated and turned away, speaking rather harshly. She said that, "Shopping is the only thing that makes her (the cousin) happy." She also said something about, "...they'll only have water, not food."

I'd noticed how exhilarated the model was becoming. Her smile was bigger with each blouse she pulled from her shopping bag, with each garment she tried on for us. She was giggling and twirling. It was something to see.

I felt a familiar tug at that moment. I've felt that same high about food before. And about shopping. And about new relationships. And about taking risks.

Not so now. These days I sometimes find myself worried that I'm becoming...boring. I rarely make purchases unless I've been mulling them over for a very loooooooong time. I'm Ms. "Measure Twice and Cut Once". I went zip-lining a couple weeks ago but you better believe I checked the place out thoroughly prior to doing so and also made sure my insurance was up-to-date.

Safety has replaced Impulse as my Modus Operandi.

As I put these words to screen, I realize that I'm likely just hanging out at the other end of a swinging pendulum and I could stand to move more toward center. What I want for myself is a life less at the extremes. There are few risks (in life or relationships) because I stomp on the brakes before the journey can begin moving down the road.

Stuck isn't where I want to live. Now THIS is food for thought.

©Michelle Scofield, March 2, 2013 All Rights Reserved

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