Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Running? Or running.

A little self-pity goes only so far with me. The journal entry below was cathartic. I needed to get it out. Kind of like cleaning out the refrigerator (that's a piss-poor inside joke). Anyway, I've been to the gym. Had a great workout and was taken to breakfast by my instructor and another friend. Received some excellent validation that I'm on track. This is what women often do. We talk, we Get.It.Out.

So it's out. Now what? I'm going to run. No, not to Boston. I've tried that before. Oh, I'll keep my options open. But I'm going to run the half marathon. I signed up. It's in January. I'll be running in support of the Cade R. Alpard Pediatric Liver Foundation. A PA I work with started this foundation when her son was born with liver disease. It's a worthy cause. So here's the link. You can cut and paste if you want to check it out.

I need to keep moving. Sitting still has never been effective for me. So I'm going to run and train. Getting healthy has worked before. I'm going to stick with what I know. The unknown only swirls in my brain to wreak havoc. And why would I want to allow that? I wouldn't. I don't and I won't.

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