Tuesday, October 2, 2012


Hal Higdon's Novice 1 Marathon Training Schedule: Week 4, Day 2

Days to Chevron Houston Marathon: 102
Planned activity: 3 mile run
5:15 am 62 degrees
3:03 miles 32:34 Avg 10:45 min/mile

I'm juggling this week's schedule.  It was supposed to look like this:

Monday: Rest
Tuesday: 3 miles
Wednesday 4 miles
Thursday 3 miles
Friday: Rest
Saturday: 9 miles
Sunday: Cross Train

I'm considering doing 4 tomorrow and then 3 sometime later in the week.  Maybe. Possibly. Physical Therapy last night was Hard.  Notice the capital "H"?  I would have used Torture but that seems too Dramatic.

I was wiped out from getting up so early in the morning and I'm experiencing fatigue in my right calf.  I know it's because we're loading that group of muscles and asking them to do more.  I know it's normal.  I also know I'm a little grouchy as a result.  It's worth the work.  It's worth the discomfort.  I know this in my head but my body is a feeler not a knower.

I'll keep adjusting.  I've certainly adjusted my diet and social schedule.  My sleep schedule is almost laughable.  It's easily comparable with any toddler or geriatric person you can think of.

In the midst or work and running and a wedding and PT, I have a little creative writing to do.  It's pushing at me from that area right behind my eyes.  It's been trying to get out for about 3 days now.  I've been pushing back, not wanting to deal with it.  I guess I'll have to.  I ran without music or noise in my ears today and the writing almost screamed at me.  I don't know when I'll find the time but it's just one more adjustment to make in this packed week of activity.  I can do it.  I always do.

©Michelle Scofield, October 2, 2012 All Rights Reserved

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