Saturday, September 22, 2012

A Thousand Calories, The Hard Way

Hal Higdon's Novice 1 Marathon Training Schedule: Week 2, Day 6

Days to Chevron Houston Marathon: 112
Planned activity: 7 mile run
70 degrees 7:25 am
8.26 miles     1 hour 35minutes    11:34 min/mile average pace

I didn't plan this run.  I've been out and around in my neighborhood and have a sense of how far it is between landmarks.  I have my Garmin watch to help me make decisions on when to turn around or turn a corner.  It's a nice day although plenty humid.  I ate a Stinger Chocolate Waffle before leaving my place.  160 calories of carbs to see me through.  I took my water bottle and decided to listen to "Snap Judgement" for distraction.  Oh, I'm distracted.  That's for certain.

I ran around the fake lake on the other side of Highway 6. 

I crossed back over and still had another 4 miles to go.  I headed up Sweetwater and made a really bad decision.  You may remember that a couple of months ago I decided to run along a bayou and never, ever came across a bridge to get to the other side.  You'd think I would have remembered that.  I didn't.  Not until I was almost at 5 and a half miles.  At that point I was lost.  If I kept running I had no idea where the path ended.  Would I end up running 10, 12, 15 miles?  I simply didn't have it in me today.

I turned around and the ran way I'd come, back to Sweetwater and a shorter way home.  Dammit.

I'm home.  I'm hungry.  My foot felt pretty good, especially the longer I ran.  I'm on ice now and I'm kind of kicking myself.  But only kind of because any day I learn something is a good day.

Here's why:  I didn't enjoy this run.  I'm preoccupied with life events and running should be a pleasurable escape but I didn't let that happen.  I forced myself to WORK during the second half on mileage calculations.  I was busy calculating/measuring/THINKING!!!  Lesson learned.  Next long run - no winging it, even if it means I only go out and back.

To my son...Happy Birthday, Sweetheart.  Thank you for all of your encouragement and for being one hell of an example to this old lady runner.   Know that you and Age were my first thoughts when I opened my eyes this morning.  I love you.  Mom 

©Michelle Scofield, September 22, 2012 All Rights Reserved

1 comment:

  1. Wow, what a lesson on living/running in the Now. Duly noted. I really like when I can learn something from someone else. <3
